
Welcome to the Archdiocese of Liverpool Donation Pages

Are you able to help?

Daily life has changed dramatically in these last weeks and many people are experiencing difficulties in adapting to a new situation.  We continue to follow the necessary government restrictions to protect those around us, and our churches remain closed.  There is no public worship at this time, but maintenance costs remain unchanged.  Many people have shown their generosity by asking how they can continue to make their offerings to support their parish.
In response to this we are now able to offer this online giving facility so that those who wish to, and are able to do so, can continue to make donations directly to their own parish.

How can I donate?

If you would like to donate to your parish it is easy to do.  Choose your Parish Area from the menu and then find your parish in the list.  You will be offered a choice of donation amounts.
Donations may be made by standing order, as a one-off donation, or as a regular weekly donation.  If you are a UK taxpayer, you can also use Gift Aid which could increase the value of your donation by 25% at no extra cost to yourself.  If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the box.

We are grateful for your support and our prayers remain with you at this time.


